Commercials of Hydroponic Farming

Is Hydroponic Farming Worth the Investment?

Ever since Covid-19, people have become extremely health-conscious and are moving towards sustainability, so it’s no surprise that hydroponic farming has become popular in urban areas in the last couple of years. There is no doubt that hydroponic farming has a higher initial investment compared to conventional soil-based potted farming, but it comes with higher returns and many additional health benefits. To understand this better, we will dissect the economics of our 216 Planter Pro Grower, which is designed to grow all sorts of leafy vegetables, herbs, and exotic salad greens.

Initial & Running Investment

  1. Equipment Cost:

 Our Pro Grower, with a capacity of 216 plants, costs Rs. 45,000/-. This includes all the equipment to get started, i.e., channels, reservoirs, motor, timer, stand, net pots, germinated plants, nutrients, installation, and training. If maintained and cleaned well, the major components like the plastic channels and stands can last for a decade!

  1. Space:

 The Pro Grower is ideal for terraces, gardens, dead walls, or any open space. The majority of terraces are unused, so having a hydroponic farm doesn’t consume much usable space.

  1. Water and Electricity:

 Our Pro Grower operates with a small 40W motor that runs for approximately 3 hours per day, consuming less than Rs. 1 of electricity per day.

Our growers recycle 100% of the water, saving 90% compared to conventional farming. Our Pro Growers consume an average of 600L per month, which equals an average human bathing 8 times!

  1. Running Consumables:

 Apart from the initial cost, germinated plants, nutrients, pH up/down, and neem oil are consumables that will be required on an ongoing basis. All the above, along with a GrowPro Technician site visit, costs Rs. 3,000 per month.

Benefits of a Hydroponic Home Grower

  1. Better Quality Vegetables:

 As our growers cultivate vegetables without soil, we do not need to spray any pesticides, making the vegetables residue-free. Growing close to the point of consumption and feeding the plants high-quality fertilizers ensures the nutritional value of the vegetables is at its peak. These health benefits cannot be quantified, and investing in a hydroponic grower is an investment in good health.

  1. Reduction in Grocery Bills:

 At GrowPro, we try to design the crop cycle in a manner that eliminates or reduces dependency on the market for whatever is being grown. Our Pro Grower can yield an output of 7-15 kg per month (subject to what is being grown, maintenance, etc.). This can cost Rs. 7,000-Rs. 20,000 if purchased from local hydroponic vendors.

  1. A Showpiece of Modern Farming:

 Our growers look extremely elegant and are conversation starters. They bring greenery to our living spaces, which are sustainable and very easy to maintain.

Though the initial cost to set up a hydroponic grower is high, its health and recurring monetary benefits outweigh its ongoing expenses. Hydroponic systems at home are becoming a lifestyle product that represents a shift toward self-sustainability, well-being, and environmental consciousness.